Home Certifications CSLO – Certified Security Leadership Officer
IS Management & Leadership

Certified Security Leadership Officer

Level 400 Advanced

Mile2’s Certified Security Leadership Officer course is designed for mid and upper-level managers. If you are an engineer, this course will increase your knowledge in the leading information system security teams. Plus, the C)SLO will give you an essential understanding of current security issues, best practices, and technology. With this knowledge you will then be prepared to manage the security component of an information technology project. As a Security Leadership Officer, you will be the bridge between cybersecurity and business operations.

Related Training

CSLO: Certified Security Leadership Officer - Exam Combo $500.00
CSLO: Certified Security Leadership Officer - Exam Prep $400.00
CSLO: Certified Security Leadership Officer - Self Study Package

The Bundle Includes:

    1-year access to high quality online training videos
    Electronic Book (Workbook / Lab Guide)
    Exam prep Guide
    Exam voucher
    3 Weeks On Line Lab Access
    Download the Outline

The C)SLO is a part of this Role-Based Career Path

Mile2 Certification Roadmap
Electives (400 Level)CSLO

CSLO - Security Leadership Officer


CPSH - Powershell Hacker


CVFE - Virtualization Forensics Examiner


CISSM-LA/LI - Lead Auditor Implementer

Key Course Information

Live Class Duration: 5 Days

Language: English

Class Formats:
* Instructor-led

* Self-Study

* Live Virtual Training


* 12 months professional experience in IT


* 12 months professional experience in systems management

Applicable Exams:

* Mile2 C)SLO

CPEs: 40

Course Modules

  • Module 1 – Security Management
  • Module 2 – Risk Management
  • Module 3 – Encryption
  • Module 4 – Information Security Access Control Concepts
  • Module 5 – Incident Handling and Evidence
  • Module 6 – Operations Security
  • Module 7 – Network Security

Who Should Attend?

* C – Level Managers
* IT Managers
* Cyber Security Personelle
* Engineers
* Information Systems Owners
* ISSO’s
* CISSP Students
* ISO’s

Upon Completion

Upon completion, the Certified Security Leadership Officer candidate be able to competently take the C)SLO exam. You will be versed in implementing strong security
controls and managing an organization with an industry acceptable security posture.

Re-Certification Requirements

All Mile2 certifications will be awarded a 3-year expiration date.

There are two requirements to maintain Mile2 certification:

1) Pass the most current version of the exam for your respective existing certification

2) Earn 20 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) per year. You may submit your CEUs in your Mile2 inbox. These CEUs must fall under “Qualify Continuing Educational Activities).

Visit our certification renewal page for more information.

Exam Information

The Certified Security Leadership Officer, CSLO exam is taken online through Mile2’s Assessment and Certification System (“MACS”), which is accessible on your mile2.com account.

Purchase Options:

Individual Exam Cost – Click Here

Course exams are individually priced.
NOTE: You may purchase the exam without purchasing the course.

Live Class Exam Cost – Click Here

Exam cost is not included with the purchase of a live class.

Ultimate Self-Study Combo Exam Cost – Included

The cost of the exam is included with the purchase of an Ultimate Self-Study Combo.

Course FAQ's

[rt_accordion_style accordion_style=”three”][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Do I have to purchase a course to buy a certification exam?”]NO. You do not have to purchase a course to purchase a certification exam.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Do all Mile2 courses map to a role-based career path?”]All of our courses can be taken independently. In order to help guide our students on their cybersecurity career journey we have developed the Mile2 Certification Roadmap. This helpful resource maps specific courses to Role-based career tracks.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”What Mile2 Courses/Tracks are Available?”]There are over 30 Mile2 courses and certifications. The courses follow Role-Based Career paths in the areas of Foundations, Management, Prevention, Recovery, and Auditing.

Please see our Certification Roadmap for full details.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”What Self-Study courses are available?”]All of our courses are available as Ultimate Self-Study Combos. The purchase of these courses gives you access to all training videos, materials, exam preps, exam simulators, 1 exam and 1 free 2nd chance exam. The only exception is Red Vs Blue as this course requires multiple participants and is available as a Live Class only.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Are Mile2 courses transferable/shareable?”]You cannot transfer, share or give your self- study material to another person. The following is noted when you access your course material through your account. “Important Notice: By accessing the mile2® online course material, practice tests, exams, and related files, the student agrees to the following. I understand that my license to use mile2 electronic course materials is exclusively for my individual professional development. I will not transfer nor will I allow others to use the course materials or the test questions. I will not use any part of this material for teaching others nor will I incorporate it, nor allow it to be incorporated, in any other training materials or publications, electronic or print, without prior specific written consent of mile2®.”[/rt_accordion_style_item][/rt_accordion_style]
